Sunday, January 4, 2009

Coupons do they really save you... and other grocery tips

Are coupons really the time and effort put into them? Do you really save?

I have started a spread sheet for my savings this year.... and so far... mind you we are only 4 days into the year... but I have saved... $12 off the sale prices. I usually only like to use coupons in conjunction with sale items. So that they are even more of a benefit and I only buy items we would normally use. It is not a savings if it is something extra. I also find that you really can not be brand loyal.

Regular price $ 75.37
Sale price $ 41.87
Price I paid after coupons $ 29.87

We are a family of 6 (3 adults, 2 teenagers and 1 preschooler, oops a dog also) and I am trying to feed my family on very little. I want my meals to cost less than $5 to make for all of us. Trust me this takes some work and knowing your grocery stores. For instance I buy certain items in bulk like flour, rice, potatoes, oatmeal and other staples.

I tend to shop at Sam's Club, Real Canadian Superstore, No Frills, Price Chopper, A&P and sometimes even Walmart. We live in a small city where I usually go by the grocery stores atleast once a week so I can run in and pick up all their sale items. This takes good budgeting to do because I find stocking up the best way to save money.

I also go to some wonderful websites that help me a lot with coupons and upcoming sales to watch out for. Here is a list of them in no particular order:
Smart Canucks

Remember to check out the forum at smart canucks where you can see the deals others have found and even what is coming up on sale and where you can get the best deal using your coupons.

I also find at our local grocery stores if you go first thing you can catch the sales on meats they are clearing out, as well as fresh veggies and bread products. I get most of our meat this way for our family at a fraction of the price. This really is a saver for us as well as buying large cuts and cutting it up ourselves.

I also find that by making a weekly meal plan it helps me save money and spend less. So every weekend I sit down and make a meal plan based on what I have and some of the sales for that upcoming week. Our sales run here from Friday to Thursday.

That is all the tips I can think of right now but I am sure more will come to mind after I post this.

1 comment:

  1. Hi!
    I found your blog via Tolentreasures which I found by way of Thrift Shop Romantic (one of my favourite bogs). I just wanted to say thanks for posting the link for Save.Ca. What a great site! Thank you again. I will be back (I hope you don't mind) as I enjoyed reading your blog very much.
    Have a great week!
